Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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We Are Spirit Beings

we are spirit beings
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."--Wayne Dyer

Most people walk around daily and feel anything that happens to them is attributable only to their physical bodies or minds and nothing more. The majority of us have difficulty believing that there is anything beyond this life, and many don't know their purpose for being here in the first place. We often encounter difficulties because we're so focused on ourselves and …

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Where Do We Go When We Die? (Part II)

where do we go when we die part 3
I described in Part I of "Where Do We Go When We Die?," how spirits, who had detailed in their automatic writings, felt during and after the "death process." Most felt lighter, freer, and fuller of energy than they had since they were younger. The majority focused on the love that surrounded them. In Part II, I will continue the description of the afterlife based on automatic writings from the last 100 years, but this time focus on the structure of the spirit world.

Spirits who have written i…

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Where Do We Go When We Die? (Part I)

where do we go when we die part 1
This is an age old question continually asked by everyone regardless of culture, religion or beliefs. It's the ever-present mystery that seems to elude us as it appears there is no proof. Yet if we search hard enough and long enough the volume of evidence becomes overwhelming and irrefutable. There's so much evidence, in fact, that's so constant and can be corroborated by other evidence, that lawyers have said it could be presented in court and tried successfully (Victor Zammit, LL.B., PhD).

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A Mediumship Reading: Communication With Spirit


Recently, I had the beautiful experience of bringing together a woman and her deceased mother for a moving and transformative spirit communication.

This reading brought through amazing evidence (information I had no way of knowing) that surprised me as much as the sitter. It was a clear example of how real and loving spirit truly is. It further showed me and the sitter that spirit absolutely knows what we need and guides us towards it. The interview of Teresa (below) was in my monthly newslette…

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We're Each Here For A Reason

here for a reason
When life gets difficult, or it just seems impossible to carry on we think, "Why me?" Alternatively, we think, "Life is so unfair. What did I ever do to deserve this?" Sound familiar?

Almost everyone finds their life comparatively difficult, with events that give the impression their sheer existence is a constant struggle. Many people find themselves in situations similar to Sisyphus, with an endless stream of struggles. Sisyphus was the Greek king who was punished by the gods to push a bould…

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Spiritual Independence

As America celebrated its independence this July 4th, I thought how wonderful it is to be free from tyranny and oppression and be able to do and say whatever we want (within the law of a civilized society). Yet, in that same thought, it occurred to me that many of us don't allow ourselves to really be free at all.

We feel burdened by our thoughts of inability, lack, pessimism, negativity, and fear. That's not truly allowing ourselves to be free by any stretch.

One thing I've learned from spi…

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Create Your Possibilities

One thing I've learned in doing readings for people and communicating with spirit is never limit yourself. Often, spirit comes through to express their regret that they didn't live their life to the fullest or do all the things they really wanted to do. They allowed circumstances to control them, rather than them controlling their circumstances. From spirit's vantage point in the afterlife, they now realize that because they control their mind, they therefore control what they can do without lim…

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I Just Met My Joy Guide

joy guide
While we all have several different Spirit Guides in our Inner Band of Guides, including our Protector Guide, Gatekeeper, Teacher Guide, Chemist, Doctor, etc, I find one of the most important guides in our life is probably our Joy Guide. What is a Joy Guide you ask? Let me try to describe it for you, as we all have one.

Typically our Joy Guide is a loving Spirit Guide who has agreed to stay with us and help us throughout our physical journey in this life. They contracted with us when we were …

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A Salute To Our Fallen Heroes

fallen heroes
On this Memorial Day Weekend, I reflect back on all those who made the ultimate sacrifice in serving their country, through the course of its nearly 250 years. So many have given their lives to protect us from the evils of tyranny or the scourge of oppression. Most were no more than young men (and now women) whose lives were cut short, leaving behind a family who mourn their loss.

While Memorial Day is typically the start of summer with barbecues, beaches, and beer (always a fun combination, …

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How Spirit Makes Itself Known; 10 Ways Spirit Tries to Connect

how spirits connect
One of the more common questions I’ve heard is from people asking if spirit is around everyone, then how do I know it’s really there? How do I know that it’s not just my imagination? Doesn’t spirit only reveal itself to those with special skills? 

Those are fair questions and ones that for a long time I had trouble understanding myself. However, I learned that while it’s fairly easy to discover spirit’s presence, several things need to happen to let them come through fully. 

First and fore…

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