Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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Why Am I A Medium?

why medium
Years ago, when I began voraciously reading books on the afterlife and mediums to satisfy my insatiable curiosity, I started down a long path that seemingly had no direction and no end. I thought this was all just "absolutely amazing stuff", a description I gave to my wife as the books would just pile up. Little did I know where it would lead, where the unseen hand was taking me, or why I was heading there. Now that I'm a practicing medium myself, however, I know why.

Something began to chang…

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Can Anyone Contact Spirit?

spirit tree
Many people think the ability to contact spirit is some type of special "gift" bestowed upon others in some magical way. People often believe those who can communicate with spirit must be unique, different or special. Some less than scrupulous mediums may certainly give that impression or use that myth to their advantage. The truth is much less mystical.

Everyone has the innate ability to communicate with spirit, for we are all spirit residing in a human body for a set period of time. If yo…

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My Spiritual Journey and How I Became a Medium

spiritual journey
Many people have asked me what my experience has been being a medium or how I knew I was one in the first place. Some assume I just "knew" or I'd always had the gift ever since I was a child.

While that may be true for some mediums, many mediums actually don't develop their sensitivity until later in life. This was essentially what happened to me. I didn't develop until I was an adult.

Like most kids, I never gave spirit any thought when I was growing up. I always had my "fantasy" playmate…

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Spirit is Around Everyone

spirit around everyone
People often lament that they desperately miss their loved ones, which is perfectly understandable and is a normal human reaction. However, I have come to discover that when our loved ones leave their earthy body, they never really leave us.

They in fact have just transformed from a state of physical existence to a state of non-physical existence. The energy form that existed previously, the consciousness, is very much alive, as energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form…

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Death is Not Goodbye

death not goodbye

We all know someone who has lost a loved one, or perhaps we may have lost one or more loved ones ourselves. Grief in these situations is painful, may last for years and is personal and individual with no two experiences being the same. Grief is non-linear with both recovery and setbacks.

Complex emotions explode into the open and may intensify the grief we feel. Emotions typically include shock/denial, anger, guilt, yearning, confusion, feelings of powerlessness and a loss of hope. These ar…

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Life Everlasting

life everlasting
Many people who lose a loved one feel as if they will never see or hear from that person again and feel that this life is everything we have. A large amount of people still believe we live one life on this earth and that's the end of our lives. While the loss is most assuredly something that produces real grief, the passing must be seen in perspective.

There is a vast amount of evidence clearly displaying that our life continues, just not where we can see it with our human eyes. As this mou…

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