Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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Love As The Common Thread

common thread
During readings, the one thing spirit always comes through with in abundance is love, for that is the strongest energy that connects us all. Love is the highest vibration in existence and generates a never-ending bond. Love is so strong that regardless of the relationship or how things were left before passing, as long as love existed, that comes through loud and clear in all readings.

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You Are Never Alone

you are never alone
How many times have you felt like this, that no one else could understand exactly what you were going through or could possibly understand how difficult your life has become? There is nothing wrong with this, for we're all human.

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Seek Out Your Higher Calling

higher calling
You may recall that a few months ago, I felt oddly pulled in a direction that felt much like a higher calling. This has grown to the point where now I want to shout from the mountain tops about spirit's love and even God's love. Given my previous skepticism dealing with anything remotely religious, I would have shied away from mentioning God in the same breath as spirit. 

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Fill Your Soul With Love

fill your soul with love
Recently I've been reading the Padgett Messages, which are an absolutely fascinating and magnificent example of automatic writing from spirit. They were written by the hand of James E. Padgett between 1914 and 1923. The overarching theme and understanding you take away from the messages is nothing short of earth-shattering and substantially alters your perspective on life.

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02/02/2020 Palindrome

In numerology, the number 2 holds the most feminine energy of all numbers, it vibrates with the frequency of peace, harmony, and balance. The number 2 is considered also emotional, highly sensitive, deeply devoted, and intensely intuitive. This number asks us to look within ourselves and seek our divine truths. It asks us to trust wholeheartedly and with the utmost faith in ourselves, our intent, and our abilities.

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A Bigger Mission From Spirit

Recently I felt like I was virtually hit over the head by the spirit world and called on a mission. I'd received a particularly wonderful review from a woman who'd gained a tremendous sense of peace from a mediumship demonstration I gave previously. However, this woman's testimonial really shocked me, as it proved to me that when I open to spirit as a vehicle for its communication, anything is possible and anyone can benefit.

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